
The Love of a Parent

1 Kings 3:16-28 Imagine you and another woman live in the same house. You are both single mothers and rely on one another to make the rent and survive. When you discover you are both pregnant you rejoice in knowing that your friend will be walking the same journey with you. You both rejoice over… Continue reading The Love of a Parent

Current Events, God Moments

Jen Hatmaker. Wow.

Jen Hatmaker. If you don't know who this woman is, then a quick google search will tell you that she's one of the most popular bloggers today. She has connected herself to moms who need to hear that they are human and it's okay to make mistakes. I love her books. I think she's amazing.… Continue reading Jen Hatmaker. Wow.


Why I became THAT crazy woman at the mall

It was raining when we went to the mall. Not the perfect day for a family outing, but we went anyway. We were all happy to be together. It was a good day to just hang out and have fun as a family, even if we did get a little wet in the process. After… Continue reading Why I became THAT crazy woman at the mall