Current Events, God Moments

Jen Hatmaker. Wow.

Jen Hatmaker. If you don’t know who this woman is, then a quick google search will tell you that she’s one of the most popular bloggers today. She has connected herself to moms jen-hatmakerwho need to hear that they are human and it’s okay to make mistakes.

I love her books. I think she’s amazing. I enjoy her style of writing mixed with a down-to-earth humor. Sometimes as a mom, it’s nice to read about someone who is struggling just like me. We are not perfect. We place this expectation on ourselves and then when we fail, well… it’s hard.

So, this morning when my facebook feed blew up over Jen’s recent interview.  I had to step back and reflect. I prayed and ask God how to respond. You see I’m not upset. I don’t judge a person based on their views. I leave that up to a conversation they need to have between themselves and God. Yes, I understand that she’s a public speaker and successful writer. The problem is that some women are looking to her as an authority on the God. Big mistake.

The fact is she hasn’t hidden her beliefs. Here’s an excellent article about her published on January 21, 2016 4 concerns about Jen Hatmaker’s teachings  or  What Jen Hatmaker gets right about Christian love  published on April 27, 2016. These are not views that she has hidden away. I found both of these articles with a quick internet search.

Jen Hatmaker is fun, she’s smart, I can relate to her… but she isn’t my Bible teacher. She can encourage me to follow biblical principles, but she isn’t my spiritual leader.

She’s a motivational speaker, so honestly I don’t understand the outrage. I see her as a woman who has her own opinions. Do I agree with all of them? No, but I still like her. I still believe she has a valuable message.

How about if we all stop judging and throwing stones? Instead, we can pray for her. Pray that God will speak to her heart. He will correct her in His own way. One thing I’m absolutely positive of is that God doesn’t need me to blast her on Facebook or social media.

I choose to be a Christian. I choose to show love.

2 thoughts on “Jen Hatmaker. Wow.”

  1. I’ve read her books and she’s engaging and funny. But you are correct, we need to stop putting these people up on a pedestal because they are people just like us. While I take issue with her changing her stance in a pretty dramatic way, it’s not the end of the world because she isn’t my go-to person for theology or truth… no amount of crazy fighting on Facebook will accomplish what a little truth spoken with love will do… 🙂


  2. You cover many good points Stacey! Mainly, that while we can learn much from fellow believers, the bottom line is ultimately we are followers of Christ and His teachings, not a popular woman with her own opinions. I love your encouragement to:
    “…stop judging and throwing stones? Instead, we can pray for her. Pray that God will speak to her heart. He will correct her in His own way. One thing I’m absolutely positive of is that God doesn’t need me to blast her on Facebook or social media.”

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