Book Reviews

The Delusion Giveaway


By March of Owen Edmonds’ senior year, eleven students at Lincoln Forest High School have committed suicide. Amid the media frenzy and fanatical onlookers, Owen remains levelheaded – that is until he encounters his own near death experience and wakes to a distressing new reality.

Everyone he sees appears shackled and enslaved.

While frantically seeking to cure his crazed hallucinations, Owen’s delusions become even more sinister when he witnesses what appears to be an unseen army of hideous, towering beings. These Creepers, as he calls them, are preying upon people, including his classmates and girlfriend, tormenting and inciting humanity to self-destruct.

Owen eventually arrives at a mind-bending conclusion: He’s not
merely imagining forces of evil at work. Everyone else is blind to the evil that is.

He must warn others and rescue those he loves — a difficult mission when no one will believe him.

Take this heart-pounding journey through Owen Edmonds’ eyes and decide for yourself: Are wicked forces after me?

Laura Gallier’s debut novel will leave you on the edge of your seat and begging for more.


Based in Cypress, Texas (my hometown) this book follows high school student Owen Edmonds.  A normal teen who when faced with a chance to save his girlfriend drinks a questionable liquid. He falls asleep with a stomach ache and wakes up to a new reality. He doesn’t understand at first that the evil he sees is the spiritual world, he only knows that nobody else can see it.

I was enthralled by Owen and h
is struggles to help those around him. He is a reluctant hero who just wants to live his life and be left alone, yet he is called to so much more. This story isn’t about romance, although there is a bit of that mixed in, it’s really about understanding how your choices affect you. Owen grows as a character from the first till the last page making it a page turner.

Although it is written as a young adult novel it will entertain adults just as much. This book carries a message with a punch, so be prepared to think about it long after you read the last page. If you are familiar with Frank Peretti’s novels, then I put this novel in the same category. Excellent writing and realistic characters which add up to a great story.


Fun Facts with Laura Gallier

Jeans or Yoga Pants – Jeans

Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt – Depends on if I’m splurging or being diet conscience ☺

Coffee or Hot Tea – coffee

Beach or Mountains – mountains (does it mean we’re getting old when we’d rather be in the mountains??)

Salad or Burger – I want the burger but I mostly order the salad.Gallier-FullSizeRender

Impulse writer or Plotter – Both are super important.

Scrivener or Word – I don’t know what Scrivener is, so Word ☺

Mac or PC – PC

Super Hero or Mr. Darcy –  Mr. Darcy  – The world has enough wanna-be super heroes; I’d rather focus on helping someone else achieve success.

Scary Movie or Romance – I have super picky media standards – too scary invitees in fear and the world’s idea of romance tends to involve perversion. So I’ll answer this one with a “hmmmm…”


Okay, last but not least…. Personal questions…

Use one word to describe your family: Loud

What did you want to be when you grew up: An actress

Favorite book: The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom (God’s faithfulness in the midst of hellish circumstances)

Q & A

What was your favorite scene to write?

This may surprise you (and sound slightly demented at first), but the most exhilarating scene to write was when Meagan dies and her soul is snatched from her body and thrust into hell. Understandably, we don’t like to think about anyone going to hell, but my hope and prayer is that by vividly depicting the horror of what it might be like, it will stir a greater desire in all of us and in students to boldly share the Gospel and live with gratitude for what Christ has done for us.  

Tell us about your writing schedule. Do you write every day?  I write best mid-morning right before lunch and then continue on until the bus around 3. How about you?

I tend to drop my son off at school at 8:30am, come home and pray, then dive into writing until I absolutely have to walk out the door at 3:50pm to get him. (I sometimes forget to stop and eat!) I write for hours and hours and late into the night when deadlines require it.

Many of my writing friends are opting for self-publishing. I’m curious to hear about your writing journey. You self-published a book that’s now being re-released by Tyndale. Can you share how that came about? Was it always your goal to have this book published by a major house? I hear it’s also being considered for a movie deal. I’d call that coming full circle!

I think self-publishing is almost always the way to go, and yes, that’s where I started. The only reason I didn’t stop there is because I couldn’t shake the feeling that The Delusion was meant for the masses, and it would take a strong publishing house to get there (I’ve been perfectly content self-publishing other works).  I struggled to find a literary agent, then when I finally did, he pitched The Delusion to all the noteworthy publishing houses, and they all turned it down—not once, but twice. I had to work with a seasoned editor and do a total re-write on the book, then I met a rep from Tyndale at a writers’ conference, and when she read the new-and-improved manuscript, I was offered a contract.


Laura is giving away a copy of The Delusion to one lucky reader. The book will be sent in a few months when she receives the updated copy from the publisher.

This contest closes on May 5, 2017.

To enter, please follow my b-log by clicking the button to your right, then leave a comment. I’d love to hear how you found this blog!

Have a blessed week!



The new and improved Delusion will be available this Fall. Those who want to receive a text when it’s available can text “DELUSION” to 24587; to be notified by email, email with “DELUSION” in the subject line.

Follow the book and movie-making journey on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @DelusionSeries.

5 thoughts on “The Delusion Giveaway”

  1. Thanks for entering, ladies! I appreciate each of you. I’ve drawn a name and Janetta is the winner! Congratulations Janetta. I’ll get this book in the mail.


  2. I like your interviewing the author. Sounds like an interesting read! I have enjoyed every other book you recommend… 🙂 Although still waiting to read your books!!!


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